1. JavaScript Widget Refactoring

    A screen exists that allows users to edit the tools required for a procedure. I needed to change this screen to be a general "procedure configuration" screen that also allows users to manage the invoice line items that typically go with a procedure.

    The prior setup already had a parent-child …

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  2. The Meaning of Null

    With many object-oriented computer languages there is a difference between an empty object and a null object. I often come across code which understands there is a technical difference between empty and null, but doesn't properly use the semantics of these two concepts. The semantic difference is important.  Professional developers …

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  3. Hyperthreading Explained

    Near the end of .NET Rocks show #582 Richard Campbell explains hyperthreading in such a way that I feel like a hardware expert.

    The guest, Scott Hanselman, has a 6 core hyperthreaded processor, which shows up at 12 cores in Windows Task Manager. How many cores does this CPU actually …

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  4. log4net Template for CodeRush

    If you use log4net for logging in the traditional way you end up having a lot of classes with the following line:

    Private Shared mLog As log4net.ILog = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType)

    This is the VB version of the recommendation from the log4net FAQ (see the …

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  5. Update a SQL table's XML value to remove nodes

    CodeMinder: to remind myself of stuff that I usually have to look up each time I do it.

    To delete all PersonAlternativeName nodes from XmlColumn of the People table:

    with xmlnamespaces(
        'http://mydomain.com/person/extension/0.1' as px)
    update People
        set XmlColumn.modify('delete //px:PersonAlternateName')
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