This PowerShell script recursively finds all .csproj files in a directory and sets "Treat warnings as errors" to "All" for every one of them that doesn't already have it set. I definitely prefer this compilation option, but on larger systems getting those all flipped can be a tedious process.
get-childitem . -include *.csproj -recurse | %{ [xml]$proj = get-content $_.FullName $modified = 0 $proj.Project.PropertyGroup | where-object { $_.Condition -match 'Configuration.*Platform.*(Debug|Release)' } | %{ if (-not $_.TreatWarningsAsErrors) { $node = $proj.CreateElement('TreatWarningsAsErrors', $proj.Project.NamespaceURI) $node.InnerText = 'true' $node = $_.AppendChild($node) $modified = 1 } } if ($modified -eq 1) { $proj.Save($_.FullName) } }
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